Monday, November 30, 2009

Self Portrait

This picture was an experiment in the use of lighting for portraits. I had tortured my poor husband for several hours and decided to give him a break and take some self portraits. This tree is in my neighborhood and was dimly lit by a street lamp. I thought it looked like an interesting spot to take a picture. I covered myself with a blanket because I have to wear a big ugly CAM walker boot on my left leg until my ankle heals and I didn't want it in the picture. I think it gave the picture a more mysterious look. The hardest part about taking this picture was setting the timer and moving fast enough with my bum leg to get in the picture, get situated, and hold still until it finished the exposure. I'm pretty happy with the end result, so I guess good planning and knowing what you want pays off some of the time.

Key Biscayne Lignthouse Run Start

Maybe you're starting to see a trend by now, two photos and they have one thing in common, running. I love running, and since my injury, I have had to live vicariously through my husband and take a spot on the side lines. It has, on the other hand, given me a unique opportunity to take photos that I otherwise wouldn't have been able to take. I took this photo of the Key Biscayne Lighthouse Run start as a panning experiment. I focused on the woman in the middle and this was the end result. I was pleasantly surprised that I liked the affect. I think it does a good job of showing the frenzied start of the race.

Susan G Komen 5K Supporters

I injured my ankle and could not run the Susan G. Komen 5K at Miami's Bayfront Park this year, so I had 30 minutes to walk around and take pictures before my husband crossed the finish line. I met these three "ladies" who were helping raise money for breast cancer awareness and research in their cutest pink attire, and asked them if I could take their picture. Not only did they accept but they posed for me! It was the best thing that happened to me all day. Miami is so amazingly diverse, and when there are big events you never know who you'll meet or see.