Sunday, December 13, 2009

Key West's Feathered Residents

Anyone who has ever ventured down to Key West knows that there are a large number of hens and roosters roaming free. You can find them in people's yards, sleeping under historic monuments, and sometimes milling about in the local bars. The life of a Key West chicken is a good life indeed, and of course they are protected by the city. It is believed that these roosters and hens are the descendants of Cuban fighting cocks set loose after the sport was banned, and local domestic chickens that were set free by their owners. No matter how they actually arrived in Key West, they have become a sort of icon of the Key's laid back culture. I met this handsome rooster on Caroline Street and managed to get him to stop for a photo with the persuasion of a few crumbs of bread. Apparently he wanted to make it very clear to me that this was his sidewalk because when I got down on his level he crowed at me several times before strutting on down the street.

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